
Cunyi YANG

Lingnan College

Sun Yat-sen University

Hello, I am Cunyi Yang!

I am an active scholar in Finance at Lingnan College of Sun Yat-sen University, focusing on the Theory and Application of Digital Financial Risk Management.

My research interests include digital finance, financial risks, and green finance. I have published over 30 papers in journals, including Financial Review, International Review of Financial Analysis, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Business Strategy and the Environment, Energy Economics, 《经济研究》, and 《系统工程理论与实践》. Several of my papers have been selected as ESI highly cited (8 articles) and ESI hot papers (9 articles). My works have been cited over 1,000 times with an H-index of 19. I also serve as a reviewer for over 30 SSCI journals.


  • Digital Finance
  • Financial Risk
  • Green Finance


  • PhD in Finance

    Sun Yat-sen University

  • Master in Finance

    Guangzhou University

  • Bachelor in Finance

    Wuhan University of Technology








Visiting Scholar

Business School, The University of Hong Kong

Sep 2024 – Present Hong Kong

Visiting Scholar

Fintech Thrust, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Oct 2023 – Apr 2024 Hong Kong

Lingnan College, Sun Yat-sen University

Sep 2022 – Present Guangzhou

Featured Publications

Government in the digital age: Exploring the impact of digital transformation on governmental efficiency.

Technological Forecasting & Social Change. 208, 123722

Green versus Digital: Analyzing financial strategies for energy transition.

Financial Innovation. Accept

ESG ratings and green innovation: A U-shaped journey towards sustainable development.

Business Strategy and the Environment. 33(5), 4108-4129

The spillover effect of international monetary policy on China’s financial market.

Quantitative Finance and Economics. 7(4), 508-537

How to facilitate in-depth digitalization in enterprises?

Applied Economics Letters. Early Access

Financial technology and climate risks in financial market.

International Review of Financial Analysis. Accept

Far-sighted through mitigating risk: Directors and officers liability insurance and corporate ESG performance.

International Review of Financial Analysis. Early Access

Financing constraints of firms: Is there political favoritism in the economic resources given by the central government?

Managerial and Decision Economics. 45(7), 4983-5005

The impact of fintech on corporate carbon emissions: Towards green and sustainable development.

Business Strategy and the Environment. 33(6), 5776-5796

Examining the non-linear effects of monetary policy on carbon emissions.

Energy Economics. 131, 107206

Working Papers

Industrial financialization and systemic risk: Analysis based on the risk transmission mechanism among economic sectors.

Exploring the production-oriented digital transformation in industrial enterprises.

Heterogeneity through motivation: The impact of corporate digital finance on financialization.

Refinancing, withdrawing and optimal loan structure: An equilibrium approach.

The role of digital government on renewable energy development: theory and evidence.

Collateral shocks and corporate risk-taking in China.

Interaction between fintech development and energy transition risks: Towards sustainable governance.

Financial technology and climate risks in financial market.

Climate risk and industry returns: Industry green innovation or carbon market uncertainty.

The dark side of mitigating risk: Directors’ and officers’ liability insurance and business ethics.

Dynamics between fintech and financial market: Supply-driven or demand-guided?

How does digital transformation work? A perspective on information management and resource allocation

Crowding Out or Crowding In? The Impact of Talent Subsidy Policy on the Income of Low-Skilled Workers

Authored Books

Industrial Digital Finance Empowering Real Economy Development

Peking University Press, 2025

Introduction to Digital Finance

Peking University Press, 2024

Research Projects

National Social Science Fund General Project “The statistical monitoring study on the coordination and balance of digital finance empowerment and risk.” (in progress)

Guangdong Provincial Natural Science Foundation Excellent Youth Team “Theory and application research on industrial digital finance empowering real economy” (in progress)

National Natural Science Foundation Project “Research on insurance asset allocation based on green development” (in progress)

Southern Power Grid Energy Development Research Institute Horizontal Project “Study on the financial attributes of corporate data assets” (in progress)

National Social Science Fund General Project “The crowding-out effect and motivation of corporate financialization on R&D innovation” (completed)

Guangdong Financial Society Annual Policy Consultation Topic “Research on financial support for digital transformation of manufacturing industry in Guangdong” (completed)

China Society of Finance Key Topic “Challenges and impacts on traditional financial system in the era of strong AI” (completed)

National Social Science Fund Youth Project “Statistical monitoring study on systemic risks caused by corporate financialization” (completed)

Guangdong Province Philosophy and Social Sciences Special “Measurement and prevention research on regional systemic financial risks in Guangdong province” (completed)

Academic Awards

Paper Awards:

“Best Paper Award” in 9th Risk Management and Financial Statistics Forum

“Best Paper Award - Third Prize” in 4th National Major Strategy and Policy Research Forum


National Graduate Scholarship

Research team

Digital Financial Risk Team

Team Leader: Cunyi Yang


Runze Yang, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

Conghao Zhu, Nanjing Normal University

Shuo Luo, Guangxi Normal University

Media Appearances

“Digital Financial Risk” is a WeChat public account independently operated by Cunyi Yang since March 2024. Every evening at 8 p.m., it shares hot topics, literature, calls for papers, and policies related to digital finance and risk management. Currently, it has over 3,000 followers,and the total number of readings exceeds 100,000.
Cunyi Yang, Huan Liu, Yan Zeng, “Insurance Services Supporting High-Quality Development of Guangdong’s Manufacturing Industry”, Guangdong Insurance Society, 2023

Journal Roles

Managing Editor for Journal of Economic Analysis and Economic Analysis Letters
Leading Guest Editor for Special Issue Digital Economy in Sustainable Resource Risk Management
Reviewer for Applied Economics, Applied Economics Letters, Business Strategy and the Environment, China Finance Review International, Economic Analysis and Policy, Energy Economics, Financial Innovation, International Review of Financial Analysis, Managerial and Decision Economics, Quantitative Finance and Economics, etc.

Teaching Assistant

“Digital Finance and Insurance”, 2024, Instructor: Prof. Yan Zeng

“Management of New Transformations”, 2023, Instructor: Prof. Mingkang Liu (Former Chairman of China Banking Regulatory Commission)

Conference Reports

21st Annual Conference of the Chinese Society of Finance, Guangzhou, 2024

1st Theoretical Foundations of Digital Economy Forum, Beijing, 2024

6th Internet and Digital Economy Forum, Beijing, 2024

9th Risk Management and Financial Statistics Forum, Guangzhou, 2024

1st Greater Bay Area Digital Finance Forum, Guangzhou, 2024

20th Annual Conference of the Chinese Society of Finance, Beijing, 2023

7th Annual Conference of Chinese Fintech, Guangzhou, 2023

1st Symposium on Frontier Issues of Industrial Integration by the Chinese Society of Industrial Economics, Guangzhou, 2023

5th Internet and Digital Economy Forum, Changsha, 2023

1st “Quarterly Journal of Finance” Forum, Guangzhou, 2023

5th Annual Conference of Quantitative Finance and Insurance Section of Chinese Society of Optimization, Overall Planning and Economical Mathematics, Wuhan, 2023

7th Risk Management and Financial Statistics Forum, Guangzhou, 2022

Monetary Policy Issues and Challenges for Asian Economies International Conference, Online, 2021

6th Risk Management and Financial Statistics Forum, Xiamen, 2021

8th Annual Conference of Chinese Statistical Society, Chengdu, 2021

Association Memberships

Systems Engineering Society of China (SESC)

Chinese Society of Optimization, Overall Planning and Economical Mathematics (CSOOPEM)

American Economic Association (AEA)

American Finance Association (AFA)

Contributions in Chinese


曾燕, 查佳婧, 杨海生, 杨存奕(通讯作者), “中国数字普惠金融的发展模式探究:经济与民生的视角”. 《经济研究》, 2024, 59(8), 4-21

廖高可, 杨存奕, 顾明瑞, “数字平台推荐机制、专业化生产与消费者福利”.《系统工程理论与实践》, 2024, 录用待刊

黄哲豪, 杨存奕, 李正辉, “企业金融化: 最优配置, 动机判别与适度区域”.《系统工程理论与实践》, 2023, 43(6), 1545-1567





